
Delivering Digital Transformation & Technology Solutions With A Personal Touch

Technology can be very difficult to understand, so we’ve provided a few answers to some of the more Frequently Asked Questions

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what exactly is “digital transformation”?

Digital transformation is generally defined as the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business—systems, processes, communications, marketing and customer service. Technopedia defines it this way: “Digital transformation is the changes associated with digital technology application and integration into all aspects of human life and society. It is the move from the physical to digital.”

Simply put, digital transformation is about leveraging your existing technology and integrating new technology to help your business streamline production, processes, systems, services, communications and collaborations.

what is the “internet of things”?

In very (very) simple terms, the Internet of Things (or IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines that transfer data over a network without human interaction to other IoT devices. An example of this would be; your garage door opening automatically as you approached your home from a night out, or your fridge creating a shopping list directly to your smart phone when you run out of eggs.

“In the broadest sense, the term IoT encompasses everything connected to the internet, but it is increasingly being used to define objects that ‘talk’ to each other. … By combining these connected devices with automated systems, it is possible to ‘gather information, analyze it and create an action’ to help someone with a particular task, or learn from a process.”

we have never done a backup of my business data before, why now?

These days, we rely on technology to such an extent that any type of failure—a simple computer crash, internet outage or virus or a more catastrophic office fire/flood or ransom/hacker attack—could greatly affect the operations of your business.

Imagine losing all of your confidential client information or critical proprietary documents? How long can your business function without this information? A proper backup strategy backs up your systems and data consistently. In the event of a failure, a quick “reinstate procedure” can have you back online within hours or sooner, allowing you to continue business as if nothing happened.

what are kind of backup options are available?

You have several choices when it comes to backing up your business data. You can use a public cloud backup service, a manual external hard drive or an automatic live offsite backup. Each option will protect your information at various levels of security and availability, and fit different budgets; but the critical element of an effective backup is that the information is duplicated and kept in a different location to your main system/computer, but still accessible.

If you have never considered doing a Backup before, now is the time to get started. It is never too late to protect your business .

how do i protect my computer and my privacy while online?

1. Update your operating system regularly. Most software updates automatically fix vulnerabilities on your computer that could expose you to identify theft or Viruses.

2. Virus scanners are the front line to protecting your computer, but they won't work unless updates are installed. So always follow the directions when the program 'pop-up' prompts you to update.

3. Don't open any attachments that seem suspect, especially from financial companies you don't bank with, employment opportunities you never applied for, or unusual attachments from friends who don't usually send stuff.

4. When surfing the web, look for the image of the 'LOCK' in the top or bottom left corner of your web browser. This symbol signals that you are securely linked to a website.

5. Be careful when using WiFi hotspots in restaurant. Hackers now have the ability to mimic WiFi hotspots in public places to see into your computer. The best way to know it's secure is if you need a password to enter.

what is two-step authentication?

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why do you always tell me to ‘reboot my computer?

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what is ‘the cloud’? is it safe?

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